Monday, January 29, 2007

Fungus [ "pitrya"] of the nails.

Fungus [ "pitrya"] of the nails.

This message is not meant to give you solutions for all kin of possible fungus infections [maybe another time] , but just to warn you that certain oral drugs ,so easily prescribed for nail fungus, [and then with a "little warning" from the doctor: check your blood for possible liver- and other disturbances] are in my opinion [and not only in my opinion] totally irresponsible.

These drugs, like:

Terbinafine [brand names; lamisil,terbinafine-teva]

Itraconazole [brand names: sporonox, itranol- rafa]

and may be others , are totally unnecessary for this indication [nail fungus] and can cause severe liver damage and bone marrow depression which may lead to live dangerous situations.

These drugs should not be used for a cosmetic problem, they are far too risky!!

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