Monday, January 29, 2007

special comfort for this rosh ha-shana, which we all need : beautiful, from the legendary advocate of the yewish people

This story I heard from my teacher and I find it so beautiful that I want to share it with you.

The Berditchever rebbe [1740-1810,Poland] is the legendary advocate of the Jewish people

in the mishna is written :

yom tov shel rosh hashana shechal be shabbath......[yom tov of rosh hashana which begins on shabbath]..............

Says the rebbe: there is something superfluous here: there could have been written: rosh hashana shechal beshabbath and that would have been enough.

Why then is the the extra word yom tov mentioned here??

Well,because it is a REAL yom tov for the Jewish people for the following reason:

Kadosh barug hu [G-D]behaves,as it were[if we may say so],just like the Jewish people to whom he gave the tora,he keeps- as it were -also the laws of the tora.

On rosh hashana the books of life and death are opened.

[ a thought which makes us all behave extra careful during these days........]

As it is forbidden to write on shabbath,so G-d ,as it were could also not write in the books of life and death,because he keeps to the same rules as we and does not write on shabbath.

When is He "allowed" to write on shabbath?? [if we may say so]

[ just like we are permitted to write on shabbath]

In cases of pikuach nefesh [saving lives] ONLY !!

So that is according to the rebbe the meaning of the extra word" yom tov" in the mishna,because it should be a REAL YOM TOV for us.

Says the rebbe : kadosh barug hu has no choice [if we are allowed to say so] then to write us in this case in the book of life[to keep alive is pikuach nefesh] and not -chas we shalom-in the book of.........which is not pikuach nefesh and forbidden on shabbath.

I find this "defense" incredible BEAUTIFUL and may this become true for all of us.

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